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 Bully Walkthrough For Ps2

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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:16 pm

7. Race The Vale --

Available 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
Unlocks mission 'Beach Rumble'
Reward $15
Prep respect -10

You can find this mission in the hallway back in the boys dorm. Petey seems
a little depressed and lonely, so we're going to follow him over into Old
Bullworth Vale on the BMX bike provided outside the dorm. He'll lead you,
or you'll follow the yellow marker to the starting point of a bike race on
the beach near your most recently aquired save house. As soon as you get
close to the start point, the race will begin. The race goes all the way
around the outside edge of Old Bullworth Vale. It is important to note that
you can punch your opponents while riding the bike as well as throw things
at them, however I don't recommend doing it. Just keep tapping the "X"
button and as long as your steering is true, they'll never get in front of
you. They will be tossing eggs at you, but their aim really sucks, so it
isn't much of a problem. The path is clearly marked with frequent yellow
markers, so you shouldn't worry about getting lost. Just tap away at that
"X" button and you should return back around to the starting point the
victor in no time. When you do, you are told you can pick up your trophy at
the Shiny Bike shop just across the road from the beach.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:16 pm

8. Beach Rumble --

Available 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
Unlocks Bike Races
Unlocks side mission 'Weed Killer'
Unlocks mission 'Tad's House'
Prep respect -10

When you go to the Shiny Bike to pick up your trophy, you'll find you have
no choice but to start this mission in order to go inside. A greaser named
Ricky is inside talking to the owner about buying a bike and the conver-
sation stops so you can be presented with your trophy. The presentation is
disrupted by some Preps that enter the store. They steal your trophy and
run out the door. You take off after them and Ricky tags along to help you
out. Head across the street and down the stairs to the beach and go toward
your save house. At this point, you can whip out your slingshot and go into
scope mode as you approach the door of your save house. When you get close,
Preps will start coming out the door to come after you. Get as many as you
can with the slingshot, and take care of the rest by hand or whatever other
means works for you in these fights. Make sure Ricky doesn't get beat up or
you will fail the mission. One of the final Preps to come out will be Gord,
and he's the one that has your trophy. Finish him off to claim your trophy
and complete the mission. You can now go to the Shiny Bike to sign up for
the Bike Races.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:17 pm

9. Tad's House --

Available 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
Unlocks mission 'Boxing Challenge'
Reward $15
Prep respect -15

Go to the Yum Yum Market in Old Bullworth Vale to start this mission. When
you do, you'll find Russell preparing to beat a store clerk to death.
You'll talk him down and after some conversation you find that Tad's parents
are not at home at the moment. You aquire some eggs and you and Russell
take off for Tad's House. Most likely Russell will beat you there, but
he'll be patiently waiting by the gate when you get there. Enter the blue
marker to open the gate and go into the yard. You now have to throw an egg
through each of the six open windows on Tad's house. All the windows are on
the second floor. Equip your eggs and go into target mode. Put the reticle
near the top of the window, charge the throw and let them rip. When an egg
successfully makes it into the window, the window will close and you can
move on. While you are doing this, Tad is sending Preps out into the yard
to stop you. They may or may not come after you, but Russell seems to be
very effective at keeping them away and on the ground. Russell does have a
health meter, so don't let him get beat down, but from what I saw when I did
this mission, I don't think it's going to be a real problem. When all six
windows have had their breakfast, all that is left to do is get out of Tad's
yard. Not too bad this time as he doesn't lock the gates on you, so just
run out into the street and mission complete. Russell didn't have a scratch
on him. The Preps will continue to attack after the mission is over, so
beat them down or beat it out of there, either way.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:17 pm

10. Boxing Challenge --

Available 8:00 am to 1:00 am
Unlocks Boxing Outfit
Unlocks mission 'Dishonorable Fight'

Find this mission at the yellow marker at the end of the pier near your
newest save house. Pete recommends you take out the preps boxing champ, Bif
Taylor in a public match. you think that's a great idea, so you head off to
the Boxing Gym you have been to so often before. Enter the gym and Bif will
accept the challenge. Again, if you haven't done the Boxing Challenges as
described in the "Side Missions" section of this chapter, I strongly suggest
that you do so. This is a boxing match just like all the others, but you
only have to fight one guy this time. Bif is a good fighter, but if you've
received all your upgrades and punching moves, he's no match for you and
this match should be over in no time. Take him down and the mission is
complete. . . . and the next mission automatically begins, and judging by
what happened at the end of Chapter I, you know what that means . . . .
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:17 pm

11. Dishonorable Fight --

Unlocks Chapter III
Unlocks area New Coventry
Unlocks side mission 'Cook's Crush'
Unlocks side mission 'Nerd Challenge'
Unlocks mission 'Jealous Johnny'
Nerd respect +10
Prep respect +100

Derby's not happy about you taking down his man, Bif, and he thinks you need
a beat-down for it. He gathers the Prep masses that are around to give it
to you while he runs upstairs to the bar for a drink. As soon as you can,
beat down the guys around you, or get away from them and run up the stairs
and into the bar at the top. When you get there, you'll exchange some words
with Derby and the fight is on. Notice that there are two sets of double
doors in this room and each one has a large board beside it. As quickly as
you can, run to these boards and repeatedly press the triangle button to
drop the boards and lock the doors. When Derby starts getting beat, he'll
call for backup, and if you've dropped the boards, they can't get in. Get
that taken care of and focus your attention on Derby and anyone else that
managed to squeeze in before you got the boards down. You should be one
hell of a fighter by this point in the game, and if you can focus on only
Derby and take him down as soon as possible, this mission, and this chapter
of the game will be over.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:18 pm

*****B. Side Missions*****

1. Panty Raid --

Available 7:00 pm to Midnight
Reward $30

You can find this mission at the yellow marker outside the Come Hither adult
bookstore in Bullworth Town. You spot the gym teacher, Mr. Burton exiting
the store and approach him to find that he is just doing some "research".
In doing this "research", it seems he hasn't had time to do all the things
he needed to do around the school, to include "collect laundry" from the
girls dorm. If you would be kind enough to collect this "laundry" for him
and keep his research a secret, he would be glad to pay you for your
efforts. You're of course, happy to do it so head back to Bullworth Academy
and go to the girls dorm. On the north end of the dorm (to your right if
you are looking at the front doors) there is a lattice that you can climb to
get into the attic of the dorm. When you're up there, make your way to the
other end of the attic to get to the stairs to head down to the second
floor. You are not timed for this mission but you do need to keep an eye
out for the house mother. She appears on your radar just like a prefect
does and it will continuously show her field of vision. Some of the girls
will scream and run at your presence, while others will just walk by you as
if you belong there. Be careful of the screamers (that's the only time in
my life I will ever say THAT) as they will alert the house mother. All of
the five pairs of panties are on the second floor in various rooms as you
make your way down the hall. You will find several armoires with a blue
marker in front of them indicating places you can hide if you need to to
escape the watchful eyes of the house mother. Make your way carefully down
the hall and collect all five pairs of panties. When you have them all,
panic will ensue as everyone realizes you are there, and for some reason,
they must think you are hot because this causes them to pull the fire alarm.
Only one thing left to do now and that's get the hell out of there. Run
down the main staircase to the first floor and head straight for the front
door. Don't hang around or the house mother will bust you. Get outside and
find a place to lose the heat. Once the heat is gone, you can find Mr.
Burton right outside the front gate of the school waiting for his laundry
delivery. Give him the panties and claim your $30.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:18 pm

2. Weed Killer --

Available 8:00 am to 9:00 am, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Reward $30

Find this mission at the yellow marker outside the door of the Biology
Classroom on the second floor of the main school building. The biology
teacher has a very rare and cherished Venus Flytrap derivative and for some
reason, the Prep, Derby, has claimed a specimen for his collection from his
father for the sole purpose of making the biology teacher look silly. Your
task is to kill Derby's plant. Head out of the school building and stop by
your dorm room to change into the Prep Aquaberry Vest. When you've got that
on, grab a bike and head to the yellow marker in Old Bullworth Vale. You'll
find yourself at the barbershop. Go inside and buy any of the stupid
looking haircuts so that you can blend in with the Preps. When you are
suitably Prepped (pun intended), hop back on your bike and back to campus.
Go behind the main school building and turn left at the fountain to come to
the front doors of Harrington House. Enter, and you'll be required to talk
to Bif who is guarding the inner door. When he sees that you meet the dress
code required to enter the building, he opens the doors and lets you in.
Nothing outstanding here . . .just head up the stairs on the left side of
that room. You can ignore everyone you pass on the way up to the plant. At
the top of the stairs, go through the doorway on your right and follow the
room around. Go out the open double doors at the other end of the room onto
the balcony and turn left to find another set of stairs. Go up the stairs
and head left into another set of open doors into a solarium full of plants.
The target plant is (DUH) at the back of the room on an upper platform. Go
up a short set of stairs on the left side of this platform and there will be
a conveniently placed poison sprayer there for you. Grab it and walk over
to the target plant. At this point, nobody you have passed has even glanced
your way. Target the plant with L1 and start spraying the plant with L2.
The plant has a health meter at the top of the screen. Keep spraying until
the plant dies. Apparently this plant has some kind of alarm mechanism,
because now the whole damn building is alerted to your terrible deed.
Quickly drop the sprayer and arm yourself with the slingshot. Take care of
the two Preps that come at you through the solarium. You need to escape the
building the same way you came in, only they are going to close the doors on
you. Get past the first two guys and use the slingshot to bust through the
windows or doors to get out of the solarium. Head back down the stairs
where you'll have to break through the door to get back into the large room
you came through on the way up. When the door is out of the way, there will
be two more Preps to deal with. Handle them and continue on your way to the
next door. It is closed, but it will be opened by a Prep coming through
from the other side. Take care of this guy too. When you get out of there,
either wait at the top of the stairs for the next guy to come after you, or
try to make it to the bottom before he gets there because he is a pain in
the ass to fight on the stairs. Once he's out of the way, dodge anyone else
that comes your way and run like hell for the front door. When you escape
Harrington House, the mission is complete. Be sure to keep running once you
regain control as the Preps will still be coming after you.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:19 pm

3. Boxing --

Available 3:30 pm to 12:30 am
Unlocks four increasing levels of Punch Damage

You can find this task at the Old Bullworth Vale gym. Enter the blue marker
inside to start. There are four stages to this task, each one increasingly
harder than the next. It's a simple boxing match and you are limited to a
punch, block or a dodge. Each fighter has a pattern you can look for, and
your fighting style is limited to the punch combo (square button x 5). Wear
your opponents health meter down to nothing and you will be prompted to push
square and hold it for the knockout punch. If you don't perform the knock-
out punch quickly enough, your opponent will regain strength and start to
fight again, so don't miss this opportunity when it's presented to you.
When you have defeated your opponent, the fight is over and the damage your
punch does is increased. Do this task 4 times and you will have maximum
punch damage. When you have completed the 4 levels, you can return here to
fight random fighters. In order to achieve 100% completion of the game, you
must do at least one random fight
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:19 pm

III. Chapter III: Love Makes The World Go Around

*****A. Main Story Missions*****

1. Jealous Johnny --

Available 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
Unlocks mission 'Bait'
Reward $20
Greaser respect +5

You can find this mission under the train bridge as you enter the newly
opened New Coventry. Enter the marker there and you'll find that head
Greaser Johnny, thinks you've been hooking up with his girl Lola. You are
able to convince him that this isn't the case (yet, anyway), so Johnny turns
his sights on the Prep, Gordo. Johnny wants you to bring back evidence of
Lola's unfaithfulness. You basically have a small Photography class here.
Head for the marker in Bullworth Town and you'll see Lola and Gordo walking
hand in hand down the road. Stay on the opposite side of the street from
them and use the camera to zoom in on their date. You need to take 3
pictures of them One of them holding hands, another of them kissing and one
more of Gordo giving Lola a gift. If you miss them doing one of these,
don't worry, they'll repeat the pattern again, just be sure to stay a
reasonable distance away from them so you don't alert them. Once you have
all 3 pics, head back to the train bridge and give the pics to Johnny. He's
not happy about the news, but he still gives you your $20 prize.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:20 pm

2. Christmas Is Here --

Available 9:00 am to 3:30 pm during Christmas Holiday
Unlocks clothing Cheerful Reindeer Sweater

This isn't really a mission. In fact it's more of an annoyance. During the
Christmas Holiday, you will be paged to come to the office of the main
school building. When you arrive and walk into the marker, you will find
that your mom has sent you a Christmas present. It's a rediculous green
sweater with a reindeer on the front, which is automatically put on for you.
Your choice is either to wear it and find yourself getting laughed at a lot
by the other students, or go back to the dorm and change out of it. I'm
sure we'll all opt to go change out of it since it seems to serve no purpose
and it is against the school dress code, and it really does look stupid.
There you go, mission complete . . .time suitably wasted.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:20 pm

3. Bait --

Available 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
Unlocks Bike Park
Unlocks side mission 'Glass House'
Unlocks mission 'Tagging'
Unlocks mission 'Wrong Part Of Town'
Reward $20
Prep respect -5
Greaser respect +5

Once again, go to the train bridge at the entrance to New Coventry to find
the yellow marker to begin this mission. Johnny is still pretty bent out of
shape about Lola and Gordo and he wants some revenge. He wants you to find
Gordo and lure him to the Bike Park for a beat down. Head towards the
yellow marker where you'll find Gordo and a buddy riding their bikes. Ride
up to Gordo and give him a punch as you pass by to instigate him into
chasing you. When he does, pedal your ass off to the new yellow marker that
appears on the map. It's in New Coventry, and as you get close, look for a
hole in the wall that you can drive through onto some train tracks, and
you'll see the marker for the Bike Park. Pull into the red garage door and
you'll switch to the cut scene inside. Johnny is in there waiting and now
it's time for a bike brawl. Everyone is on bikes, including you and you
need to help Johnny defeat all the Preps. You have a couple of options
here. You can ride around punching the Preps off their bike until all are
defeated, or you can find a reasonably safe spot and get off your bike. If
you choose to get off your bike, your best weapon is the Bottle Rocket
Launcher. It's got good range and is a one hit knock out. Choosing the
Bottle Rocket Launcher option is the quickest way to end this mission and
the one I would advise. Throwing firecrackers is also very effective as
that is the weapon of choice for everyone else, so if you run out, there
will be plenty more lying around.
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Head Mistress

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Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:21 pm

4. Tagging --

Available 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
Unlocks extra task 'Tagging'
Unlocks side mission 'Greasers Challenge'
Unlocks mission 'Lola's Race' if 'Wrong Part Of Town' is also complete
Reward (based on which tags are completed)
Greaser respect -25
Prep respect +5

You'll find this mission at the Harrington House on campus. The Preps are a
little upset about Gordo's beat down at the Bike Park, and they want you,
their new boss, to show the Greasers who is boss. They want you to tag up
New Coventry a little bit, and they give you enough spray paint to do one
tag. For rich kids they sure are cheap, because you have to do five tags
to complete the mission. Hop on your bike and head for New Coventry. When
you get to the tunnel under the train tracks where you usually meet Johnny,
you'll see your first opportunity to leave a tag in the form of a target on
the wall. Walk up to the target, assuring first there are no law
enforcement personell nearby, and hit the triangle button to begin the tag.
When you do, you'll see a display appear in the lower right hand corner of
the screen. Press "X" to begin spraying, and move the left analog stick so
as to trace the design in the display. When the tracing stops, hit "X"
again to continue the tag. When you have traced the complete line in the
display, the tag is complete. Now that you've had your practice run, you
need to head to the store and buy more paint. There is a market nearby
where you can grab some. After you do, you're instructed to lay down 5 tags
in Greaser territory, and a whole bunch of yellow markers appear all over
town. The amount of money you earn for this mission is based on the
location of the tags you choose to paint, but at the time of this writing, I
do not know what the precise amount is. I do know that tags that are on
the roofs of buildings are the big money tags, which I found out just a
little too late. I did two tags at ground level and 3 on the roof and my
reward for completing the mission was $210. Still not bad, but I'd like to
know what it would have been if I had done all 5 on the roof. If anyone
figures it out, please write to me at the address at the end of this FAQ and
I will give you credit for having done so. Stay away from the cops and from
the Greasers that don't appreciate your art and get all 5 tags done and the
mission is complete. At this point, I would recommend doing the side
mission 'Greasers Challenge' that is unlocked when this mission is complete,
for a new save house in New Coventry. See the "Side Missions" section of
this chapter for details on that mission.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:21 pm

5. Wrong Part Of Town --

Available 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
Unlocks mission 'Lola's Race' if 'Tagging' is completed
Reward $20
Greaser respect -5
Nerd respect +5

You find this mission at the yellow marker in front of the Library. You
find out that the Nerds are a bit worried about Algie. Johnny got word that
Algie has been dating Lola (yeah, you heard me right -- ALGIE!) and now
Johnny is looking for him. Cornelius is the only kid on campus that knows
where Algie is, and a group of Greasers has already started beating on him
to get that info. Head to the south side of the boys dorm (the right if you
are looking at the front doors) to save Cornelius. Cornelius tells them
that Algie is at the pizza place and some of the Greasers run off to find
him. A couple hang back to give Cornelius a beating, and it's your job to
make sure they aren't successful. Beat down the remaining Greasers before
Cornelius' health meter runs down, and Cornelius lets you in on the fact
that he lied about Algie being at the pizza joint. The twisted little fat
freak is actually near the tenements in the vicinity of the Greasers club
house. Hop on your bike and get there as quick as you can. When you
arrive you find Lola not-so-gently letting down both Algie and the Prep,
Chad. The conversation is quickly cut short by the arrival of a bunch of
Greasers on their bikes. Algie takes off on Lola's bike and you and Chad
take off together on another BMX nearby. The mission takes a little bit
different turn than anything you've seen in this game so far (but not unlike
some missions you did in GTA: SA). Chad is at the wheel of the bike and
you are riding on the back. You go into scope mode with the Super slingshot
and your job is to keep the persuing Greasers away from you. Use charged
shots to take the Greasers off their bikes in one shot. the will throw eggs
and firecrackers at you, so knock them off their bikes as quickly as
possible. chad is trying to get you back to campus, and I was a bit pre-
occupied during this mission to pay attention to what path he took, but I'm
pretty sure it wasn't the shortest one. There will be one stop along the
way to take a breath, but it will be short lived and you will be on your
way again. If you keep them off of you long enough to get back to campus,
Chad will drop you off at the gate, and all you have to do from that point
is walk with Algie to meet Earnest who will be standing a short ways away
in the round area between the boys and girls dorms. Mission complete.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:21 pm

6. Lola's Race --

Available 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
Unlocks Lola as your girlfriend
Unlocks mission 'Tenements'
Greaser respect -20

This mission is found in New Coventry near the entrance to the yet-to-be-
opened Blue Skies Industrial Park. When you arrive you find Johnny and Lola
and on cue, Johnny gets jealous that you are trying to steal his girl. Lola
doesn't help matters any by telling Johnny that you are probably faster than
he is and that the two of you should race, so thats just what you're going
to do. This is basically a bike race just like the one you did in 'Race The
Vale' in Chapter II, only it's a bit longer, the competition is a whole lot
meaner and there are a couple of extra curve balls thrown at you. When the
race starts, you'll be at the start line waiting for the countdown with your
three other competitors (This is supposed to be between you and Johnny, so
I'm not real sure what in the hell the other two knuckleheads are doing
there). The race begins and your competition will not hesitate to start
punching you right off the bat, so be ready for it. They will throw eggs
and firecrackers and generally be an incredible pain in the ass for the
duration of the race, but, like in the other race, if you can get to the
front of the pack, and not fall off the bike, you're sure to stay there. A
couple of new things to look out for in this race: There are a couple of
shortcuts you can take. Go to your map and look for a couple of corners
that you can make a bit smaller, one of which is at the very southernmost
part of the race around a big giant rock. Cut to your map every once in a
while when you get down that way and look for a place where you can take a
right onto a snowy path to avoid going around the rock. There will also be
a portion of this race near the beginning that will be on the train tracks
as you go through the industrial area. Oddly enough, you will have to look
for trains as you go this way. These are not your everyday trains. They
have no apparent means of propulsion, yet they move toward you. They are
single cars that are apparently shoved down the track toward you. They stop
shortly before getting to you, and they are usually pretty easy to spot as
well as a "train noise" is made warning you that one is coming. There are
only 4 or 5 of them and you are usually pretty safe staying on the right
edge of the tracks since you can squeeze between the trains and the wall.
The final new trick you will see is the old "drop a tree across the race
course" trick. About 2/3 of the way through the race, you'll see this for
the first time. Some of Johnny's buddies are on the side of the course and
as you approach, they will chop down a tree that will fall across the path.
You have a decent amount of time to see it coming, so just be prepared to
bunny hop the bike over the tree. A little further on in the race, they
will do it again, only that time they will drop two trees, one just a little
further up from the other, so be prepared for the double hop to get past
that. Survive all of that and make it to the end in first place, and you
have completed the mission and earned Lola's heart (and Johnny's rage).
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:22 pm

7. Tenements --

Available 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
Unlocks mission 'Rumble'
Reward $20
Greaser respect -10

In the same tunnel under the train bridge that you used to meet Johnny, you
can now find the yellow marker to start this mission, and instead see Lola.
Now that Lola is your squeeze, she can't go back to the tenements anymore
where the Greasers hang out, but she's left some of her stuff there. Just
like most chicks do when they get their hooks in ya, she wants YOU to go get
it and you just have to because she says so. So hop your whipped ass on a
bike and head for the tenements. When you approach the yellow marker, you
will have to slip into the little area that is partially blocked, and enter
the marker to open the window and creep in the building. There are five
items scattered throughout the building that you need to grab, two on the
first floor, two on the second, and one on the third. You will probably
notice very quickly that there is an area in the room you entered that seems
to require something else to allow you into it and by looking at the radar
you can also see that one of the items you need is in there. Forget about
getting in there for now, it's not happening until you're on your way out.
There are four Greasers hanging around the first floor, and if you are
sneaky and quiet, you can probably take them all out with the slingshot
before any of them gets their hands on you. Save up your health as best you
can because you may need it for the fight you're in for on the third floor.
When you've taken care of all the Greasers on this floor, pick up the one
item you CAN get to on this floor which will be indicated by a yellow arrow,
Lola's Address Book. Take the stairs cautiously up to the second floor with
the slingshot armed. There will be two Greasers visible to you when you get
up there and if you creep cautiously enough, you can take them out before
they even know you're there. There is a big hole in the middle of this
hallway that you can't cross (the two Greasers you just took out were on the
other side of it, which explains why they didn't run after you). In one of
the rooms off to the side, however, there is a Greaser, and if he sees you,
he will run out onto a fire escape to go get some backup. Chase after him
and take him out and anyone he manages to bring with him. When they are all
taken care of, continue along the fire escape and reenter the building on
the other side of the hole in the floor. Grab Lola's Lipstick before making
your way up to the third floor. Creep carefully up the steps and before you
reach the top, you will see three Greasers standing above. Get just high
enough to go into scope mode with the slingshot and take them out with
charged headshots. They will fire back at you, but they will not run down
to beat on you. When those three are out, you are safe . . . for a moment.
Look around on the third floor and you will see a marker where you can find
Lola's Laundry. Prepare yourself with the Bottle Rocket Launcher or fire-
crackers BEFORE you pick up the laundry. As soon as you pick up the
laundry, a Greaser named Norton will make a smashing entrance and knock you
to the floor. Norton's meanness is accentuated by the big ass sledgehammer
he is holding. As soon as you have control back, get up and run as far
from Norton as possible. The sledgehammer makes Norton very slow, so this
gives you the opportunity to run to the opposite end of the room, turn
around, target him with the explosive weapon of your choice and take a few
chunks out of his health. Wash, rinse, repeat until Norton is down. If you
run out of ammo, switch to the slingshot. It doesn't do as much damage, but
if you are running to the opposite end of the room and taking out chunks of
his health here and there, eventually you'll take him down and never get a
scratch on you. Just don't let him hit you with that sledgehammer . . .that
crap hurts!. When he is finally down, walk over to him and take his sledge-
hammer. Go back down to the second floor and use it to smash your way into
the blocked area to get Lola's Keys. Smash your way through the other side
to avoid having to go around the fire escape and head on down to the first
floor. Smash your way into the enclosed area you found when you first got
here and grab Lola's Perfume. Smash your way out the other side, and you'll
find yourself standing at the window to let yourself out. Drop the sledge-
hammer and go. Bike, skate, run, whatever, back to Lola at the train bridge
and give her the stuff back. Mission complete, she gives you $20 and gives
you a little health boost.
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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:22 pm

8. Rumble --

Available 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
Unlocks mission 'Fighting Johnny vincent'

Once again, meet Lola in the tunnel under the train bridge in New Coventry.
Lola says everyone is now fighting over her, and she believes you need to
join in the fray. You need to find a Greaser named Peanut to find out
where. When you regain control, you find out that Lola is suspiciously
right. New Coventry is in chaos. People are fighting all over the place,
cops are chasing people all over and people are doing their best to suck you
into it. If you were smart, you showed up for this mission on a bike. Get
on it and avoid the chaos to head toward the new yellow marker indicating
Peanut. When you find him, you will have to chase him. He will lead you to
a short alley near the tenements. Arriving there, it will become painfully
clear that Peanut is not about to give up any information and that he and
two of his buddies just want to kick your ass. The target here is Peanut,
but you're not going to get to him without taking out the other two. Take
them out using the moves you have learned throughout the game (You HAVE done
all the Hobo Training Missions by now, haven't you?). The fight should be
over pretty quick, and when Peanut is down, Johnny arrives to finish you
off. Bad news for Johnny, the cops arrive and break up the fight and every-
one scatters. You'll find yourself on a bike on a snowy path chasing
Johnny. Pedal like mad now because the cops are behind you and you don't
want them to catch you. There is little to do here but pedal like crazy and
follow the path without falling off the bike. When you near the end, you'll
see Johnny ahead of you and he'll jump to freedom. You, on the other hand,
won't be so lucky. You'll try the jump, but get clotheslined by a couple of
Greasers with a chain. You wind up on your ass in the middle of the junk
yard. Following a theme here, this mission is now over and the next one
automatically begins.
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Head Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:23 pm

9. Fighting Johnny Vincent --

Unlocks Chapter IV
Unlocks mission 'Stronghold Assault'
Greaser respect +100
Nerd respect +10

As soon as you have control, you need to start moving as quickly as you can.
You are on foot, Johnny is on a bike and he has a steel pipe to hit you with
as he passes by. Your nerd friend Petey is on top of a stack of cars that
leads to the controls of the magnetic crane hanging above this makeshift
arena, but the problem is that there are six Greasers standing between Petey
and the controls. Arm yourself with the Bottle Rocket Launcher. Run around
avoiding Johnny's attacks and target each of the six Greasers above. The
Bottle Rocket Launcher should take each one out with a single shot and clear
the path for Petey to turn on the magnet. Once he has activated the magnet,
Johnny will lose his bike and his pipe and from that point on, its just you
and him mano y mano. His health bar appears at the top of the screen. This
fight is about as easy as any other fight in the game. Use your combos and
he really doesn't stand a chance. Finish him off and the mission is over,
as is Chapter III. To make matters funnier, you tell him you never wanted
Lola in the first place and he can have her.
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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:23 pm

*****B. Side Missions*****

1. Cook's Crush --

Available 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Unlocks side mission 'Cook's Date'
Reward $40

Edna is preparing for a date with the Chemistry teacher, Mr. Watts. She
needs you to collect a few things for her to help her out. She needs
perfume, choclates and sedatives. For $40 and not having her spit in your
food, you'll do just about anything, so let's head for the perfume first.
It's Ms. Phillips' perfume and it's in the Staff Lounge. Leave the
cafeteria and head left to the end of the hall. There are two teachers
standing outside the door of the Staff Lounge and they aren't going to let
you in, so you're going to need a diversion. Look at that! There's a fire
alarm right there on the wall near them! Pull it and run like hell for the
nearest trashcan or locker to hide in. When the heat on you has died down,
run into the lounge, grab the perfume off the desk in the corner, and run
back out of the lounge and out of the building as quick as you can. You
should be in the clear now, and if you took the back door out of the
building, you should be in pretty close proximity to grabbing your bike out
of the garage near the abandoned bus. Grab it and head into Bullworth Town
to the next yellow marker. You should find yourself in an alley behind the
comic book store (which by now should be a save house for you). There will
be a hobo back there and three trashcans (and a transistor if you haven't
picked it up yet). Kick over the three trashcans and out of one of them
should roll the sedatives. This doesn't make the hobo happy, so avoid his
attacks as you are doing this. At this point, you more than likely already
have choclates in your inventory, but in case you don't, just get out of the
alley and head around the corner to the Yum Yum Market to pick some up.
When you have all three items, just pedal on back to the school and bring
them to Edna in the cafeteria and the mission is over. She'll give you the
$40 and invite you to partake in another task worth another $50, so I'd take
her up on it if I were you.
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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:24 pm

2. Cook's Date --

Available 3:30 pm to 11:00 pm
Reward $50

You can find the marker for this mission near a tree outside a restaurant in
Old Bullworth Vale. Enter the marker and climb the tree to sit on the limb
above. Arm yourself with the slingshot and go into scope mode. From this
point on, the idea is the same as it was for 'The Candidate' mission in
Chapter I. Edna and her date are seated at a table below and there is a
"health" meter on the right side of the screen. Students will approach the
couple and yell insults at them. Your job is to pop these students with the
slingshot and make them go away. They appear with red arrows over their
head so they are easy to spot. The more insults Edna hears, the more the
meter drops. If it drains completely, the mission is failed. If you drive
enough students away to give her a rest for a while, the meter will fill
back up. Keep the students from ruining her date until its over and the
mission is completed successfully. We won't even THINK about what is going
to happen next on that date . . .just take your $50 and get out of there.
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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:24 pm

3. Nerd Challenge --

Available 8:00 am to 1:00 am
Unlocks Nerd Clubhouse save house
Unlocks Bottle Rocket Launcher

This "mission" is kind of annoying, but the Bottle Rocket Launcher is well
worth going through it, not to mention the new save point. Go to the
Dragon's Wing Comic Book Store in Bullworth Town and enter through the front
door. The clerk will tell you there is a meeting downstairs, so walk behind
the counter and head on down. The only task you have to do here is beat
Fatty's high score of 1,010 on the ConSumo video game in this room. Walk up
to the machine and push triangle to play. The concept is simple, it just
takes a while to accomplish the high score. Move your Sumo wrestler around
the screen with your left analog stick and make him eat the good food. The
good food is the rice bowls, fish and apples. Avoid the bad food, which is
the darker rotten rice bowl, the fish skeletons and the apple cores. In
addition to this, you must avoid the blowfish, which take away a life if you
hit one (you only get three lives), and you must avoid the large sumo
wrestlers as they make you bounce uncontrollably around the screen making a
collision with a blowfish or rotten food more likely. As you eat, you gain
weight and as you gain weight, a meter at the top of the screen fills with
red. Every 100 lbs fills the meter to max and then it empties and starts
over again. If you eat rotten food while the meter is empty, you will lose
a life. That's really all there is to it. Beat the score of 1,010 and earn
your bounty and you'll likely never play that damn game again.
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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:25 pm

4. Comic Klepto --

Available 3:30 pm to 11:00 pm
Reward $30

Once again, find this mission at the Comic Book store. Enter the marker and
you'll see some punk come running out of the store with the owner right
behind him. The kid stole some comics and the owner is having an asthma
attack and can't seem to chase him. He asks if you'll do it for $5 and some
free comics. You agree and find yourself on a bike chasing the kid. You
need to catch the kid before he makes it back to the school. Your best bet
here is to throw fireworks at him to knock him off the bike, or get close
enough to him to punch him off the bike. Once he's off the bike, just give
him a quick beat down and retrieve the stolen comics. Take the comics back
to the owner, and you'll opt for cash rather than comics and get a $30
reward. Mission complete.
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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:26 pm

5. Glass House --

Available 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Unlocks side mission 'Here's To You, Ms Phillips' which is not accessible
until Chapter IV is unlocked.
Reward $40

This mission is found outside the English Classroom in the main school
building. Enter the marker there and you'll find Mr. Galloway drowning his
woes once again. He's upset about the rumors that Hattrick has been spread-
ing about him being a drunk. Galloway looks to you for support, and likes
the idea you have to square things away. Head out to the parking lot near
the abandoned bus and you'll see Hattrick pulling away in his SUV. Whip out
your skateboard and skate up behind his truck. When you get close enough to
the truck, you'll be prompted to hit the triangle button to "skitch" a ride
on the truck. When you do, you'll grab the bumper and get towed behind for
the duration of the ride. Nothing for you to do but enjoy the scenery.
When you get near Hattrick's house, you will automatically let go as
Hattrick pulls into his driveway. You are now prompted to go into the yard,
so do so. You now have to destroy as much as you can around Hattrick's
house. A vandalism meter appears on the right side of the screen and you
need to fill it by breaking potted plants and windows as quickly as you
can. Of course, doing this much damage will attract Hattrick's attention
and you can be assured that he will be calling the police, so before you
break ANYTHING . . .run around to the back yard and look for a small green-
house. When the cops arrive, they will come up through the driveway, so you
are much better off starting back here and the greenhouse has enough in it
to nearly fill the meter anyway. Pull out the slingshot and start breaking
all the plants in the greenhouse, and when they are gone, start on the
windows. Don't forget the ceiling of the greenhouse is also glass, and
those panes count as well. The cops will have entered the yard by the time
you are done with the greenhouse, but at that point, you'll only need to
take out 2 or 3 windows on the main house to fill the meter. If the cops
fill the yard before you are finished, it is very difficult to sneak around
them to cause further damage, so be as quick as possible. When the meter is
full, you're only remaining task is to escape the yard. Run like hell past
the cops out of the driveway and when you hit the street, the mission is
complete (I made a RHYME!)
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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:26 pm

6. Greasers Challenge --

Available 8:00 am to 1:00 am
Unlocks Greaser hangout and save house

This mission is found at the red marker outside of the Blue Ball Pool Hall
in New Coventry. There really isn't much to this but beating up Greasers.
Enter the marker and you'll enter the pool hall to be confronted by three
Greasers. Use your fighting talents to take all three of them down. When
they are out, a few more will come in through the back door. Take them down
by whatever fighting moves or weapons you like. When they are down, the
mission is over and you have a new save house. What more can I say? If I
have to tell you how to fight at this point in the game, you need more help
than just a walkthrough.
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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:27 pm

IV. Chapter IV: A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body & Other Lies

*****A. Main Story Missions*****

1. Stronghold Assault --

Available 8:00 am to 9:00 pm
Unlocks mission 'Nerd Boss'
Nerd respect -100
Jock respect +5

This first mission of Chapter IV can be found in front of the Library. It's
official, Petey has been rejected by everyone, including the Nerds. He
recommends to you that you get Earnest, the Nerd leader, on your side to
help get back at the jocks. Sounds like a great idea, but you have to do a
little convincing first. Head to the archway at the entrance to the library
and try to talk to the Nerds gathered there to find out where Earnest is.
They aren't talking, so give them a little beating, but don't knock them out
and they will soon be giving up the location. Earnest is in the observatory
and it's not going to be easy to get to him. Jump over the broken wall to
the right of the Library and meet up with Tad. He's got the key code to the
gate behind him and he's not going to give it up without a beating either,
so get the code from him and enter the gate. When you are through the gate,
you have to follow the path to get to the observatory, but the path is
peppered with Nerds who will be trying to stop you. Make your way carefully
along the path with your Bottle Rocket Launcher armed and keep the targeting
button pressed. Take out the nerds as they appear. They will also be
armed with the BRL, so you can replenish your ammo from the downed Nerds.
You'll also be crawling over three barricades along the way. Just hop over
each of them and keep your eyes peeled when you get to the other side.
After the third barricade you will be approaching the observatory. Take out
the last couple of Nerds that head your way and all you'll have left to deal
with is Earnest and his Spud Cannon that he has perched above the gate to
the observatory. The Spud Cannon can do some serious damage to you, so
avoid it all costs. Use the brief pauses while Earnest reloads to dart
between the rocks and work your way closer to the gate. Get to the rocks
closest to the gate on the left side (the gate should be to your right as
you look at it). Up on a pole near the Spud Cannon, you'll see a red light
where the transformer is. That red light is your target. Go into scope
mode with your Super Slingshot and charge up a shot. When Earnest pauses to
reload, back up enough to get the light in your sight and take it out. This
will open the gate and cause Earnest to leave the Spud Cannon and run away.
Now it's your turn to play with the big toy. Enter the gate and run up the
stairs to the right to get on the Spud Cannon. You've got to bust down the
doors of the observatory with the cannon and the great part about it is that
you don't have to reload like Earnest did. It has non stop unlimited ammo!
The doors of the observatory will have a "health bar" at the top of the
screen. All you have to do is keep pounding the doors with the cannon until
the health bar runs out. Nerds will appear in the balconies and windows of
the observatory to shoot bottle rockets at you. Turn the cannon on them
occasionally and blow them away and return your focus back to the doors.
When the health meter is gone, the doors are gone and the mission is
complete. You will automatically begin the next level. (No, this does not
mean Chapter IV is over already!)
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PostSubject: Re: Bully Walkthrough For Ps2   Bully Walkthrough For Ps2 - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 23, 2009 2:27 pm

2. Nerd Boss --

Unlocks weapon Spud Launcher
Unlocks side mission 'Jock's Challenge'
Unlocks mission 'Paparazzi'
Unlocks mission 'Funhouse Fun'
Nerd respect +50

This is a boss battle only a Nerd could think of. You enter the observatory
and Earnest is up on a scaffold with yet another Spud Cannon. There are
pillars in the middle of this room you can hide behind to avoid his fire.
Your target in here is not Earnest, but the two power generators to either
side of him. Target them with your BRL if you have any, or just use charged
shots with your Slingshot. Each generator takes about 4 charged shots to
bring down. Use the pauses while Earnest reloads to pop out from behind the
pillars and shoot the generators. When both generators are down, the
scaffold will collapse a short way and Earnest will now be on another side
of the room. This time he'll be tossing firecrackers at you and it will be
harder to avoid them. Same concept as last time though, so while you're on
the move, charge shots with your slingshot and take out the generator to
either side of him. When those two generators are gone, the scaffold will
fall once again, Earnest will again appear on another side of the room and
he'll be back on the Spud Cannon. Using the same method you did the first
time, take out the two generators once again and Earnest will fall for the
last time. Congrats on earning the Spud Cannon! Mission complete!
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